Safe and sustainable event

Tips to reduce the EFM environmental impact

In the context of your participation in the EFM 2024 in Sofia, Bulgaria (or any other event in the future), please keep in mind the following eco-friendly behaviours to contribute reducing our collective environmental impact.

  • Bring your own lanyard to wear the conference badge
  • Bring your own reusable water bottle
  • Consider not having your hotel room cleaned every day and keeping your towels several days
  • Prefer public transports over cars and taxis when possible
  • Thoroughly fill in the logistic information form to help us planning well in advance and wasting as little food as possible
  • Travel by land if possible - if you travel by plane, please book direct flights instead of connecting ones and try to avoid low-cost airlines

You can find out more about the EMC commitment to minimise its ecological footprint, implementing sustainable practices, and behaving as an example of good environmental practice for our members and other cultural networks in the EMC's Environmental Policy.

EMC is dedicated to creating an inclusive and safe space for every attendee. Therefore, we encourage you to read the EMC Non- Discrimination & Anti-Harassment Policy for more detailed information on these important matters.

A safe and inclusive EFM

The European Forum on Music aims to be a safe, inclusive and accessible space for everyone in attendance, including participants, speakers, musicians and team. Everyone has a right to feel welcome, respected and able to participate, and every participant is requested to comply with EMC’ Non- Discrimination & Anti-Harassment Policy. Whilst we are only at the beginning of developing an official code of conduct and corresponding training plan for our EMC team, we have identified two individuals who will kindly volunteer as contact persons. In case you feel unsafe, uncomfortable or in need of support during the EFM because the Non- Discrimination & Anti-Harassment Policy has not been respected, you may wish to talk to Miceál Mullen or to Silja Fischer, or to email us at