Events in 2009
"Reach Out, Open up, Take in!"
From 27 February to 1 March 2009 over 35 representatives of music organisations from North, Central and Southern Eastern Europe met in Pomáz (Hungary) to explore the possibilities of advocating for music and cooperation possibilities on a national and international level.
"ExTra! Final Event & EMC Annual Conference, Athens, Greece"
2009 's EMC Annual Conference examined as final event of the three year EU cooperation project „ExTra! Exchange Traditions” different topics concerning the musical dimension of immigration and multiculturalism. It took place in the Theocharakis Foundation in Athens, Greece and was co-organised with the Greek ExTra! partner En Chordais. 75 participants from all over Europe and beyond discussed how culture and music can help to integrate ethnic minorities in a sensitive and respectful way.