European Music Council
March 22, 2022
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Implement the SHIFT Eco-guidelines for Networks Now
SHIFT Eco-guidelines for networks cover page with the environemental sustainability icon
The SHIFT partners are really proud to release the Eco-Guidelines for Networks as a result of a collaborative process between the partners, Green Leisure Group and Creative Carbon Scotland. The eco-guidelines are structured in such a way, that they could in the future be integrated into a certification scheme specifically for cultural network- and platform-organisations. The project partners consider the guidelines as a first step toward filling a gap in the environmental certification offering, as well as a tool that can be implemented to achieve change, starting today.
The SHIFT Eco-Guidelines for Networks recognise and address the ecological footprint associated with operating international cultural network-organisations. The guidelines serve as a reference document for network-organisations that aim to minimise their footprint, optimise environmentally sustainable practices, and act as an example of good practice for their members and other networks. Their aim is to cover all major areas of their environmental impact, including operations, policies, activities, and governance. Special attention is given to travel and events, which are the main sources of carbon emissions for network-organisations. Implementing these guidelines will enable network-organisations to structurally become more environmentally sustainable.
They are purposely made openly accessible in the hope they can inspire structural organisational change in the cultural sector, in the broadest sense.
What Do the Experts Say?

Creative Carbon Scotland

"We were very pleased to be invited to be a ‘critical friend’ on SHIFT Culture’s development of its environmental guidelines. The collaborative leadership demonstrated in the way the SHIFT Culture team has approached this project and the commitment to further development both as separate organisations and a network is very powerful and we look forward to continuing our links with this inspiring initiative."

Green Leisure Group

“By developing and implementing the norms created for a new ecolabel for cultural networks the SHIFT partners have embraced their responsibility of reducing their environmental impact together with their members. Green Leisure Group is proud to have contributed to this process."

Julie's Bicycle

"The SHIFT eco-guidelines align perfectly to the climate work that Julie’s Bicycle has championed for more than 15 years. These guidelines will have a strong multiplying effect across the cultural sector, building on a core strength of cultural networks. All of us at Julie’s Bicycle applaud the SHIFT partners for taking the time to develop a custom-made framework that is so easily applicable to other international networks."
The SHIFT Eco-Guidelines are part of the SHIFT work package on Environmental Sustainability led by ELIA - globally connected European network for higher arts education.
Discover All the SHIFT Results
The project SHIFT – Shared Initiatives For Training, co-funded as “Strategic Partnership” by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union – was initiated by nine cultural networks. These networks recognised the need to join forces to work on the global agenda of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals. Leaders wished to improve their capacity for giving guidance to their teams, organisations, and members. It was asked how to properly confront the global challenges recognised in the SDGs such as climate change, gender equality, and inclusion of minorities. The overarching work on cultural leadership enabled the partners to develop and discover various methods of leading and supporting change to achieve these goals.
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