For immediate Release
Music Webs - New EMC Podcast out
Weaving connections and untangling cultural policy in Europe
The EMC podcast Music Webs will provide regular news on music and cultural policy in Europe. The EMC will regularly invite conversational partners from the broad spectrum of the music sector, be it music educators, people from live music venues, choir singers/conductors, composers, performers, festival makers, instrument manufacturers, broadcasters, etc. |
The podcast music was exclusively composed by Moritz Eggert for the EMC, it is performed by Luise Enzian (baroque harp) and Moritz Eggert (piano). |
► Episode 1 - Corona, solidarity and the digital cage |
In our first episode, Simone Dudt (EMC) is joined by Silja Fischer (International Music Council) and Giambattista Tofoni from Europe Jazz Network. They talk about the effects of the Corona crisis for the jazz field and Italy in particular and expand to more general questions, such as solidarity in Europe and how to endure the crisis with live concerts still being rare and musicians as well as the “invisible” workers of the music sector struggling for survival. Their exchange on the wide range of help mechanism put in place by the different countries and the upcoming EU budget, shows that there is still a great need for political decision makers to invest money in music. |
Listen to the podcast now
Stay tuned!
There will be more episodes to follow! | | | | |
About the European Music Council
The European Music Council (EMC) is a non-profit organisation dedicated to the development and promotion of all kinds of music and to being involved in the fields of music education, creation, performance, documentation, management, publishing and heritage in Europe. The EMC contributes to a better understanding amongst people about their different cultures and promotes the right of different musical cultures to coexist. As a membership organisation, it provides real value to its members through the analysis of policy developments and the formulation of policy statements, capacity building and knowledge exchange as well as networking opportunities within and beyond the music sector on an international platform. As part of the International Music Council (IMC), the EMC strategies and actions honour the 5 IMC music rights. At your disposal, Isabel Jordan Communication Officer European Music Council +49 228 96 69 96 64 jordan@emc-imc.org |
The EMC is a regional group of the |
The EMC is supported by |
This communication reflects the views of the EMC only and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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