EMC Staff Exchange in 2019
Hasmik tells us all about her experience in Paris
at Plate-forme interrégionale

"I think that these programmes are very important because they help us put our goals into perspective and prior to my visit to Paris I didn't have such thorough understanding of other structures..." Hasmik, Guest, April 2019
"Having the opportunity to know better a country, a guest, and probably, in the long term, some opportunity of cooperation." Stéphane, Host, January 2019
Hasmik Movsisian, Founder & Executive Director of Music of Armenia & Stéphane Grosclaude, Coordinator at Plate-forme interrégionale
Jonna reveals her experience in Germany with us

”It was very interesting to see what kind of early childhood music education is in Germany. I was positively suprised at how good it is, and there is an emphasis on early childhood music education. [...] The best thing was to exchange ideas with teachers. I was surprised at how much we have in common thought. Our work is often lonely, so the importance of contacts is even more important.”
Jonna Pekkarinen, Keski-Karjalan musiikkiopisto, member of the European Music School Union
María-Clara Vargas Cullell gives us insight on her experience
at the International Music Council

"As a primary point, my visit gave me the opportunity to better know the work and the experiences of different French music institutions, and to share knowledge with the members of the IMC Executive Board." María-Clara, Guest, April 2019
María-Clara Vargas Cullell, Dean of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Costa Rica at the International Music Council.
EMC Staff Exchanges in 2018
Pia Shekhter tells us about her experience in Germany
at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater München

“It was very interesting to make comparisons between the situation for music librarians in Germany and in Sweden. […] learning more about the German national IAML Branch was very valuable for me as the Secretary General of IAML. The branch is very ambitious when it comes to further training of its members and I was deeply impressed by how thoroughly our German colleagues had prepared themselves for the cataloguing rules, RDA and FRBR.” June 2018
Pia Shekhter, Secretary General of the International Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres
Inese Zagorska gives us insights on her hosting experience
of the Baltic Sea Music Education Foundation

“In the days of exchange programme, this particular cultural event was a good platform to analyse different kind of music management tools, financial and audience development aspects. […] In modern society communication, networking, good practices, experiences in cultural field helps a lot for creating new collaborating projects and staff exchange programme gives this unique opportunity.” June 2018
Inese Zagorska, Chair of the Latvian National Music Council
Mariana Golovchenko shares thoughts about her exchange
at the European Festivals Association

"It is a chance to get to know the organisation from the inside, to see different type of managerial approches, to see different ways of communicating within the office, to see different ways of dividing the tasks, to see different ways of prioritising..." June 2018
Mariana Golovchenko, Project Manager of the Music and Beyond Foundation
Merlijn Poolman unveils bits of his exchange in Prague
at the Czech Music Council

“[…] I flew back to Holland with a deep sense of satisfaction and a long list of new experiences, knowledge, contacts and at least 3kg heavier due to the great food. […] I found out how difficult it is to run such an institution and this also prepared me a bit for the future when I would like to do similar things with my own organisation, although I am sure my focus will be more on pop than classical probably.” June 2018
Merlijn Poolman, CEO at Stichting Nederlandse Muziek Export