European Music Council
July 04, 2018
The European Music Council supports the call to vote in favour of the Legal Affairs Committee Report on the Proposal for a Copyright Directive

To all Members of the EU Parliament

The European Music Council (EMC), regional group of the International Music Council (IMC), is the umbrella organisation for musical life in Europe. The EMC has been active for over 40 years at the crossroads of cultural policy and music, and has influenced, accompanied or reported on many relevant policy developments, initiatives where music served as a driver for societal development, created various spillover effects or enabled intercultural dialogue or projects which have managed to bring about fundamental change for the music sector.
Following the initiative of many organisations of the music sector, the EMC supports the call to the European Parliament to confirm the Legal Affairs committee report on the Proposal for a Copyright Directive.
We strongly encourage members of the Parliament to support this report. As stated below we believe that this will enable musicians, music creators, producers to obtain better recognition and fairer remuneration for their work in the digital era.
The work of the European Music Council is based on the Five Music Rights, which 5th Music Right is a plea for musical artists to obtain just recognition and fair remuneration for their work. The European Agenda for Music (EAM), the result of a lengthy collaborative process involving stakeholders from all parts of the music sector from across all of Europe, collects some arguments addressing these issues, in particular in its Key Themes Technology and Recognition:
► Digital technology should safeguard the rights of musicians and creators and ensure that a fair share of the profits are redistributed to the creation and production chain
► Recognition should ensure transparency and a balance through the value chain (including across borders)
You can now make the choice to empower artists and creators and ensure that they get a fair share of the value generated by their works. You can also support the EU’s independence and European cultural values by encouraging artistic practices and authors’ vocations. This would send a strong signal to future generations across Europe and beyond. Don’t miss this chance. Let’s join voices!
The EMC thanks you for your consideration.
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