For Immediate Release
Press Release
Here we go again...
Spell it out: Culture!
On 21-22 November 2019, the Education, Youth, Culture and Sports Council will meet in Brussels. For the discussion of the ministers of culture, the Italian delegation has prepared an information note to discuss the topic "Strengthening the role of culture for the future of Europe requires the word 'culture' spelled out in Commissioner-designate Gabriel's portfolio". |
The note states that "if the term 'culture' right now disappears from the official title of the Commissioner, the political momentum achieved by culture might diminish and the mainstreaming of culture across other EU policy areas might lose effectivity". |
The European Music Council supports the call to reintroduce "culture" in the title of Commissioner-designate Mariya Gabriel as outlined in the statement from 13 September 2019 (see below). The EMC appeals to the cultural ministers of all EU member states to support this call to bring back culture. #BringCultureBack |
The vote to affirm the new European Commission is expected to take place in the European Parliament next week. |
From 13 September 2019
EMC Press Release: Spell it out Culture!
On 10 September, European Commission President-elect Ursula von der Leyen presented her new Commission, with a structure of 8 Vice Presidents who stand for the new work priorities of the Commission. At the heart of the work of the European Commission will be climate change, technology and demography that are transforming our societies and way of life. |
The European Music Council (EMC) welcomes these set priorities and is convinced that culture and music have a big role to play. The EMC therefore asks to re-introduce the term culture in the title of the designated Commissioner Mariya Gabriel, that is currently missing in her title “Innovation and Youth”. |
Culture is included in the Treaty of Lisbon (Art.167) and the “New European Agenda for Culture” adopted in May 2018 sets out the priorities for the coming years by building a stronger Europe through new initiatives for education, culture and youth. We therefore call upon the President of the European Commission to reinforce the role of culture for the development of the European Union by spelling out “culture” in the title of the Commissioner. |
With the College, President-elect von der Leyen suggests an open and inclusive way of working – such a cooperative way is ideal to mainstream culture in all policy areas and the EMC calls on the European Commission to give room to culture in all its policy areas. |
The EMC highly welcomes the words of the mission letter to Commissioner Gabriel that state “culture is about freedom of expression, identity and diversity”. With this in mind, we look forward to exchanging with the designated Commissioner on the role of culture, its policies and the EU funding programmes for culture. |
#BringCultureBack |
About the European Music Council
The European Music Council (EMC) is a non-profit organisation dedicated to the development and promotion of all kinds of music and to being involved in the fields of music education, creation, performance, documentation, management, publishing and heritage in Europe. The EMC contributes to a better understanding amongst people about their different cultures and promotes the right of different musical cultures to coexist. It provides real value to its members and the broader sector through the analysis of policy developments and the formulation of policy statements, capacity building and knowledge exchange as well as networking opportunities within and beyond the music sector on an international platform. As part of the International Music Council (IMC), the EMC strategies and actions honour the 5 IMC Music Rights. |
At your disposal, Simone Dudt Secretary General European Music Council +49 228 96 69 96 64 dudt@emc-imc.org |
Katharina Weinert Policy Advisor European Music Council +49 228 96 69 96 64 weinert@emc-imc.org |
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This communication reflects the views of the EMC only and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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