For Immediate Release
Press Release
SHIFT Partners Sign a
Joint Letter of Intent on Climate Action
In the context of the UN Climate Change Conference COP26 in Glasgow (United Kingdom), nine international and European cultural networks and platforms have come together to take Climate Action. |
This joint ambition emerged from the SHIFT project, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. The letter of Intent on Climate Action is an important step towards uniting forces to tackle the huge worldwide challenge of climate change. The goal of the networks' cooperation is to develop and implement a framework consisting of environmental guidelines for cultural networks and a certification scheme. |
The undersigned European and international cultural networks recognise the ecological footprint associated with operating a cultural network. They are committed to minimising this footprint, optimising environmentally sustainable practices, and acting as an example of good practice for their members and other networks, while also recognising the different contexts in which they are evolving. It is their aim to contribute to the following UN Sustainable Development Goals in this certification scheme: |
• Goal 11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities |
• Goal 12 – Responsible Production and Consumption |
• Goal 13 – Climate Action |
• Goal 14 – Life below Water |
• Goal 15 – Life on Land |
• Goal 17 – Partnerships for the Goals |
Special thanks to the Green Leisure Group and Creative Carbon Scotland for contributing their expertise to this process. |
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Stay tuned for the guidelines and certification scheme to follow!
Press enquiries should go to: Carolyn Auclair European Music Council +49 228 96 69 96 64 auclair[at]emc-imc.org |
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