Press Release
Bonn, Germany: The European Music Council coordinated a publication with 31 authors. Snapshots on Music and Heritage in Europe gathers a series of essays on cultural heritage in Europe. |
For immediate Release: New EMC Publication out now!
Snapshots on Music & Heritage in Europe
What does music have to do with cultural heritage? Antique sites, temples, beautiful churches, bridges, houses, historic city centres, decorated with a heritage label, such as UNESCO world heritage sites, are often the first associations with the term cultural heritage. When in 2018, the EU celebrated the European Year of Cultural Heritage (EYCH), the European Music Council (EMC) played an active role as advocate for intangible cultural heritage in the debate. As a follow-up to the year, the EMC now presents this book to provide a snapshot on music and heritage in Europe. It includes the policy perspective (EU and UNESCO) as well as concrete examples from medieval Norwegian ballads, to Gaelic music, to the Hungarian Dance House Movement, or the Polonaise. In a dedicated category ‘diverse projects – diverse heritage’ it provides some practical examples how music projects nowadays work with heritage in a contemporary context. This publication is a non-exhaustive overview on the wide range of musical expressions that exist in Europe and an eye-opener for those who thought cultural heritage is only old rocks. |
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About the European Music Council
The European Music Council (EMC) is a non-profit organisation dedicated to the development and promotion of all kinds of music and to being involved in the fields of music education, creation, performance, documentation, management, publishing and heritage in Europe. The EMC contributes to a better understanding amongst people about their different cultures and promotes the right of different musical cultures to coexist. As a membership organisation, it provides real value to its members through the analysis of policy developments and the formulation of policy statements, capacity building and knowledge exchange as well as networking opportunities within and beyond the music sector on an international platform. As part of the International Music Council (IMC), the EMC strategies and actions honour the 5 IMC music rights. At your disposal, Isabel Jordan Communication Officer European Music Council +49 228 96 69 96 64 jordan@emc-imc.org |
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