European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018
2018 was the European Year of Cultural Heritage. The aim of the Year was to encourage more people to discover and explore Europe’s rich and diverse cultural heritage. Details of implementation can be found online, and this summary gives a short overview (PDF) about the main aims and objectives of the EYCH 2018.
As other European Years, 2018 was be implemented through initiatives and events at European, national, regional and local levels. At European level, implementation of the EYCH 2018 was a joint effort of the European Commission, the European Parliament, the Council and also the Committee of Regions and the European Economic and Social Committee. At country level, the Year was organised by national coordinators, designated by each EU Member State.
The European Music Council was actively involved in the the year as a member of the EYCH Stakeholder Committee as part of the Structured Dialogue (Voice of Culture).
Results of the European Year of Cultural Heritage
At the closing conference of the European Year of Cultural Heritage in Vienna in December 2018, the European Commission presented the first-ever European Framework for Action on Cultural Heritage. It aims to build on the achievements of the EYCH and establishes a set of 4 principles and 5 main areas of continued action. It was developed through regular exchanges with EU Member States, the European Parliament, civil society organisations, cultural operators and international organisations such as the Council of Europe and UNESCO. The European Framework for Action on Cultural Heritage establishes a Cultural Heritage Forum that will meet at least once a year.
European Framework for Action on Cultural Heritage
Berlin Call to Action on European Cultural Heritage
The Berlin Call to Action was presented at the European Cultural Heritage Summit on 22 June 2018 in Berlin by the three co-hosting organisations, namely Europa Nostra, the German Cultural Heritage Committee acting as national coordinator of the European Year of Cultural Heritage in Germany, and the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation based in Berlin.
The call aims to build on the momentum created by the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 (EYCH) to unfold the potential of Europe’s shared heritage to advance to a more peaceful, prosperous, inclusive and just Europe. It is open for signature to all engaged citizens, organisations and institutions that care for Europe’s cultural heritage.
The Berlin Call to Action also builds on the input and support of the EYCH Stakeholders Committee, that the EMC is part of, the EYCH national coordinators, as well as members of the European Heritage Alliance.
European Forum on Music 2018
European Forum on Music, 7-10 June 2018, Oslo, Norway
EMC’s main event, the European Forum on Music, took place from 7 to 10 June 2018 in Oslo, Norway in cooperation with the Norwegian Music Council. The European Year of Cultural Heritage was a great occasion to put the focus on this important issue under the theme “Looking Back – Looking Forward: The future of Europe’s Musical Roots“.
Check our presse release and photo gallery!
European Culture Forum 2017
The European Culture Forum 2017, included the official opening of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018, in Milan, Italy on 7-8 December 2017. The European Culture Forum is a biennial flagship event organised by the European Commission to raise the profile of European cultural cooperation, to bring together cultural sectors' key players and to debate on EU culture policy and initiatives.
The official website for the European Year of Cultural Heritage will be launched at the European Culture Forum.
→ EYCH 2018 and social media
If you are active on social media, follow or use #EuropeForCulture – the official hashtag for the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018!
Eurobarometer report on European and Cultural Heritage
This survey assesses the attitudes and opinions of people in the EU on cultural heritage. It is the first EU-wide survey to be conducted on this topic. It investigates people's personal involvement with cultural heritage and the perceived importance and values they attach to Europe’s cultural heritage. It also looks into the perceptions of the impact of cultural heritage on tourism and jobs, and responsibilities when it comes to protecting heritage in Europe. You can download a report analysing results for the whole of the EU, as well as factsheets summarising the results for each of the 28 EU Member States.