Events in 2012
2nd European Forum on Music
19 – 22 April 2012, Istanbul, Turkey
Transcending Boundaries – Building Bridges
2nd European Forum on Music held in cooperation with the European Music Council (EMC) and Borusan Arts and Culture opened by UNESCO Director General Irina Bokova claiming the importance of musical diversity for societies in a globalised world.
The Forum provided a packed programme with panel discussions, workshops, project and paper presentations and wonderful concerts. Some recommendations that evolved: The debate on artists' mobility revealed the need for co-operation between the culture sector and the administration, international NGO's in the culture field can play the role of an intermediary, when it comes to visa issues.
Empower Music - Music Empowers
27 September to 1 October 2012, Limassol, Cyprus
Capacity Building Workshop for music organisations in the Mediterranean
The European and International Music Council organised a capacity building workshop for music organisations in the Mediterranean area. The aim of the workshop, which included different sessions, was to strengthen the infrastructure of the music life of the region by building knowledge, creating networking opportunities as well as raising the awareness of lobby work and how to effectively implement it. Among others the sessions dealt with
- Why fund music activities in times of crisis? An introduction to lobbying for music
Part II: EU programme proposal for Culture – Creative Europe (CCP Cyprus?) - Youth and Music in the Mediterranean – a manifesto for the Mediterranean!
A practical workshop on how to write an position paper - National Music Council – what structure? what tasks? (including a special session for Cyprus)
- The Bonn Declaration for music education in Europe – practical examples of implementation
From Seoul via Bonn to Budapest
18 - 20 October 2012, Budapest, Hungary
Development Goals for Music Education: Access, Quality and Social Challenges
The European Music School Union (EMU), in partnership with the European Music Council (EMC) and with participation of the Association Européenne des Conservatoires (AEC), organized an entitled seminar from 18 - 20 October 2012 in the Palace of Arts in Budapest, Hungary.
In this seminar, major European music organizations wished to bring together a large representation of the European music education sector for a follow-up of of the issues raised by the publications of UNESCO's Seoul Agenda and EMC's Bonn Declaration.