From Seoul via Bonn to Budapest – Development Goals for Music Education: Access, Quality and Social Challenges
The European Music School Union (EMU), in partnership with the European Music Council (EMC) and with participation of the Association Européenne des Conservatoires (AEC), organized an entitled seminar from 18 - 20 October 2012 in the Palace of Arts in Budapest, Hungary.
In this seminar, major European music organizations wished to bring together a large representation of the European music education sector for a follow-up of of the issues raised by the publications of UNESCO's Seoul Agenda and EMC's Bonn Declaration.
The aim was to join our forces and enhance the dialogue between different levels and areas of music education in order to pursue the translation of the three goals set in these documents, Access, Quality and Social Challenges, into strategies, recommendations and real actions. Some of those are common to the whole music education sector in Europe, whereas others diverge according to the organizations and educational settings.
The programme contained both parallel and plenary meetings, and a special added value of the seminar will be the presence of EMC's Working Group Youth monitoring the whole meeting and providing the final wrap-up session. Friday 19 October was dedicated to the programme attended by all participants, and the two keynote speeches of the morning session were given by high level experts of UNESCO and EU commission on culture and education.
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