Dos and Dont's
To make sure that the placement will be a good experience for everyone involved, some "golden rules" should be respected. To make it easier for you, we have collected some "dos and don'ts"
Yes please:
As a guest...
- ... ask for reading material to get know the organisation and also to have something to do when you have to wait for feedback or new working instructions.
- ... bring some of your work from your sending organisation to show your guest and also to continue when you have time for it.
- patient. The office hosting you has to run its "normal business". When you have finished a task, wait that your mentor has time for you.
- ...ask what you would like to ask and collect your questions on a piece of paper to have them ready in the next meeting with your mentor.
- sensitive to whether the time is right for new ideas you might wish to contribute
- ... if you are uncomfortable with your situation, talk about it with your host in a quiet and polite way.
- ...inform yourself about the city/region of your placement and make plans of how to spend your free time.
As a host...
- ...chose the period for the placement carefully. A small event would be a nice opportunity, but no obligation.
- ...define a mentor for your guest
- ...define some tasks for your guest before hand
- ...try to organise at least one informal activity outside the office with as many team members as possible
- ...try to organise a cultural visit for your guest (theatre, museum, concert)
- ...provide some information on touristic highlights
Better not:
As a guest...
- ...don't expect your host to always have time for you. During their working time, your new colleagues have their work to do and during their leisure time, they have their own hobbies, families, friends...
- ...don't ask your questions as soon as they come to your mind. Collect them and wait for the next meeting with your mentor.
As a host...
- ... avoid the classical placement trap: Your guest is in your office (mainly) to learn and share, not (only) to make photocopies and prepare coffee and tea.