EAM Working Groups
Taking conclusions from its membership survey conducted in early 2013 and a mapping exercise of its members, the EMC identified various ‘fields’ of the music sector:
♦ Creation (composers, song writers, author and copyrights)
♦ Production (record companies, publishers, instruments, music publishers, music fairs)
♦ Presentation/ live music (festivals, managers, agents, musicians, music export)
♦ Information/documentation/research/heritage (music archives, music information centres)
♦ Media (communication/distribution)
♦ Education (mainly music schools, music in general schools, music universities and academies) and career development
♦ Participation (e.g. amateur music making – vocal & instrumental))
Representatives of all these fields are included in the development of the Agenda. Transversal topics such as mobility, audience development, social status of the musical artist, legal issues, authors rights and inclusion of minorities/migrants/refugees will be tackled across the different working group.