Discover below our previous cooperation projects
European Musical Exchange Platform
The European Music Council was a partner in the European Musical Exchange Platform (Europäische Musikbörse) that was under the guidance of the German Music Council. The platform provided details on what is happening in the music world in Europe. It helped its users to find out about the music culture in a particular country and offer opportunities for mutual exchanges. Interested people, who enjoy music, making music with other people and were seeking contacts with musicians in European countries, they could set up your own profile on the platform and pass on details of events and publicise and search for cooperation projects.
You could find the now closed platform here:
Safar - Music of Afghanistan
The EMC co-organised a journey through traditional Afghan music, where six Afghan masters of traditional Afghan music met three German jazz- and pop musicians to mix musical genres and transcend geographical, cultural and musical borders.
In this setting, three events took place in the City of Bonn: the journey started with a workshop for young people, followed by a discussion panel with cultural entrepreneurs and politicians in the Schumannhaus on the 9th of July 2012 and ended with a beautiful concert at the Deutsche Welle in Bonn at the 10th of July 2012.
"Safar - Afghanistan meets Germany" was a project organised by the Franz Liszt University (HfMW), the Afghan National Institute of Music (ANIM) as well as the European Music Council (EMC) and supported by the German Foreign Ministry (Auswärtiges Amt) and the City of Bonn.
More information on the Safar project here
Polifonia was a Thematic Network supported by the European Union. Polifonia dealt with music education and training and the Bologna Process; it was coordinated by AEC (Association Européenne des Conservatoires, Académies de Musique et Musikhochschulen).
EMC representatives to the Polifonia working group were EMC Chairman Timo Klemettinen and former Board member Einar Solbu.
Fair Music Campaign
To empower musical artists to obtain just attribution of and remuneration for their work the IMC and EMC support the Fair Music campaign, which was launched by the Music Information Centre Austria (mica).
The EMC strongly supported this initiative. EMC Secretary General Ruth Jakobi was appointed jury member of the first fair music Award in 2008.
DoReMiFaSocrates, coordinated by AEC, aimed at collecting and presenting information about activities in the field of music in the framework of LIFELONG LEARNING PROGRAMME, the programme for education of the European Union.
Laboratory of European Cultural Cooperation
The Laboratory of European Cultural Cooperation coordinated by ECF (European Cultural Foundation)
LabforCulture aimed to provide access to opportunities for transnational cultural cooperation and stimulate intercultural dialogue across Europe and was replace by ECFlab. A multilingual web portal delivered a practical service to artists, cultural practitioners, researchers, journalists and policymakers.
European Forum for Music Education and Training - EFMET
A new European initiative in the field of music education, entitled the 'European Forum for Music Education and Training - EFMET' was launched in 2003. This project, coordinated by the European Music Council, brings together European organisations active in formal types of music education and non-formal types of music education. The European Commission supported the development of this forum through the financial support to preparatory actions in the framework of the EU cultural programme Culture 2000.
The objectives of EFMET were:
- To improve European cooperation and communication between organisations active in formal and non-formal types of music eduation through a number of collaborative workshops and discussion rounds
- To collect information on music teacher training programmes for classroom music teachers and instrumental/vocal teachers in Europe
- To formulate recommendations for the European Commission on the place and role of (music) eduation and training in the new EU programme for culture after 2006. These recommandations were urgently required: obtaining funding for European activities in education and culture programme often create confusion by referring to each other in relation to this type of activities.
The final EFMET report, which summarizes all activities that took place in the framework of the EFMET so far, can be downloaded here.
The following recommendations were formulated and presented to the European Commission whithin the EFMET project. The main focus lied on the integration of music education and training in the new cultural programme of the European Union in 2007.
EFMET recommendations - English version