COVID-19: Reactions, initiatives and measures
Covid 19 and the Music sector
Many from the music and cultural sector have reacted to this crisis: with urgent calls to policy makers, new ways to provide access to cultural content or ideas to help those that are struggling the most in the current situation. The EU and many governments on national, regional and local level have announced measures to mitigate the effects of the Coronavirus and the measures to contain it.
The list below gives you an overview of reactions, measures and initiatives from policy makers and the cultural sector. It is a non-exhaustive list and will be updated regurlarly.
EMC Online Lounges
A series of lounges were launched & hosted by the EMC for Europe, to which all participants could share on their situations, challenges, fears and hopes & best practices. These very informal get-together gave food for thought to the EMC team and we decided to host more formal lounges in order to go dig a bit deeper in all the best practices and initiatives from our membership and partners in Europe and beyond.
Find two of the more formal online lounges on online tools and surveys here.