Membership Application
Our membership is organised in 4 categories:
National Music Council
A national music council must be broadly representative of the musical life in its country, demonstrate that it subscribes to the IMC's position on cultural rights, develop policy positions to advance the musical life of the country and advocate these to decision-makers including the government. It must be governed according to democratic principles.
International Music Organisation
An international music organisation must have members or musical activities in a minimum of ten countries with more than three voting members outside the world region* where it is based. The organisation must demonstrate that it subscribes to the IMC's position on cultural rights, develop policy positions to advance the welfare of its area or musicalactivity and advocate these to decision-makers including governments. It must be governed according to democratic principles and offer services to its members and/or to the community at large.
European Music Organisation
A European music organisation must be mainly operating in Europe and have members or musical activities in a minimum of 20% of the European countries. The number of its voting members outside Europe should not exceed three. The organisation must demonstrate that it subscribes to the IMC/EMC's position on cultural rights, develop policy positions to advance the welfare of its area or musical activity and advocate these to decision-makers including governments. It must be governed according to democratic principles and offer services to its members and/or to the community at large.
National or Specialised Music Organisation
Any legally constituted organisation, association, society, company, foundation, corporation, NGO, working in the field of arts and culture, which does not fulfil the requirements of an international or regional music organisation or nationalmusic council can be accepted as organisational member of IMC/EMC. In order to be admitted as member, the organisation must support the mission and objectives of the EMC and commit to fulfil the duties of a member. It must have members or musical activities, demonstrate that it subscribes to the IMC's position on cultural rights and be governed according to democratic principles.