Contact the EMC

Please find numbers and addresses to get in touch with the European Music Council here.

Our members

The EMC has 74 members in 28 countries in Europe. EMC members are National Music Councils, International and European Music Organisations and National and specialized music organisations.

Please find our list of members here.

About the European Music Council

The European Music Council, a regional group of the International Music Council (IMC), is the umbrella organisation for musical life in Europe. It is a platform for National Music Councils and organisations involved in various fields of music from many European countries.


The European Music Council, regional group for Europe of the International Music Council, is the umbrella organisation for musical life in Europe. It acknowledges the significant role that music and culture play in the political and societal development of a peaceful and integrative Europe. Therefore it advocates on local, national and European levels for an appropriate framework, respecting equal rights and opportunities for music, music professionals and access to music. The European Music Council serves its members by advocating for the societal and political significance of musical diversity in Europe and, hence, plays a key role in supporting the European communities that want to celebrate their music. It provides exceptional value to its membership by building knowledge; creating networking opportunities; supporting and enhancing the visibility of projects that help sustain people's participation in music and cultural life. Being the regional group for Europe of the International Music Council, the EMC collaborates on an international level.

The EMC's strategic position

The European Music Council is the European network of networks for music, with a membership of national music councils as well as local, national and international music organisations that are based in Europe. In line with the International Music Council’s principles, the EMC’s strategies and actions honour human and cultural rights. In situations where musical integrity and commercial gain are in conflict, the EMC gives priority to musical integrity. The EMC strongly supports youth participation in decision-making processes.


In line with the IMC’s 5 Musical Rights, the EMC’s strategies and actions honour human and cultural rights such as:

the right for all children and adults:

  • to express themselves musically in full freedom
  • to learn musical languages and skills;
  • to have access to musical involvement through participation, listening, creation and information;

the right for musical artists:

  • to develop their artistry and communicate through all media, with appropriate facilities at their disposal;
  • to obtain fair recognition and remuneration for their work.