COVID-19: Reactions, initiatives and measures
The Coronavirus is spreading world-wide and the crisis is severely affecting public, cultural and social life. The music sector has already been hit heavily and will continue to be massively affected by the measures taken to prevent any further spread of the virus.
Many from the music and cultural sector have reacted to this crisis: with urgent calls to policy makers, new ways to provide access to cultural content or ideas to help those that are struggling the most in the current situation. The EU and many governments on national, regional and local level have announced measures to mitigate the effects of the Coronavirus and the measures to contain it.
The list below gives you an overview of reactions, measures and initiatives from policy makers and the cultural sector. It is a non-exhaustive list and will be updated regurlarly.
Mapping the COVID-19 rules in the EU
Live DMA, European non-governmental network and member of the EMC, working to support and promote the conditions of the live music sector and PEARLE, the European network for music, performing arts and live performance organisations, have gathered measures and re-opening strategies per European country on a map for the live sector.
National measures
Cultural policies
The Compendium Cultural Policies and Trends in Europe provides a comprehensive collection of information how the cultural sector has been affected by COVID-19 with country reports, overviews of financial measures, reopening measures and further resources.
Support measures
The map provided by KEA provides information about support measures on national level and can be filtered by sector or type of support.
EU measures
EU measures
European Union
The European Union has suggested a number of instruments to overcome the COVID-19 crisis. These include emergency measure adopted in spring 2020, a recovery package for 2021-2022 and the regular EU budget. Most of these funds will be distributed on national level.
European Parliament
With an overwhelming majority, the European Parliament adopted a resolution on the "Cultural Recovery of Europe". Although this resolution is non-binding, it highlights the challenges of the cultural and creative sector due to COVID-19 and makes specific proposals how the proposed recovery funds can be used to support the recovery of the cultural and creative sector.
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Creative Europe
European Commission states that impacts by COVID-19 can be regarded as force majeure thereby allowing beneficiaries more flexibility in implementing their projects.
Research for CULT Committee
This study analyses the so far effects of the crisis on the CCS, as well as the policy responses that are formulated to support the sectors.
Statements and reports on conducted surveys from the sector
Report on the COVID-19 on creative sectors in EU and beyond
In May 2020, the Cultural Relations Platform launched a study to analyse and assess the impact of the global pandemic on the cultural and creative sectors (CCS) in partner countries – the Neighbourhood (South and East), the Western Balkans, and the Strategic partners – and on their capacity and willingness to conduct international relations.
Rebuilding Europe study
The study "Rebuilding Europe: The cultural and creative economy before and after the COVID-19 crisis" quantifies the losses of the cultural and creative industries because the COVID-19 pandemic. It is divided into three sections: Before COVID-19; Because of COVID-19; After COVID-19.
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Risk of Corona infection when visiting concert halls
On behalf of the Dortmund Concert Hall, the Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute in Goslar and the measurement technology company ParteQ have experimentally investigated the spatial spread of aerosols and CO2 in a concert hall.
Statements from EMC
Joining together with other cultural and music networks, the EMC has published a number of statements and letters on the effects of COVID-19 on the sector and on necessary support measures especially those on EU level including the recovery instrument "Next Generation EU" and its implementation on national level.
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Venues and clubs
This report illustrates the advocacy work done by the European live music sector and supported by European policy-makers (MEPs, CCFG). It gives concrete insights on the short and long-term impacts of the restrictions on live music events due to the COVID-19 crisis. It was produced by Live DMA.
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Statement, press releases and resources collected by the European Choral Association.
Music libraries
The International Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres (IAML) provides and overview of frameworks, initiatives, funding opportunities and examples of good practice.
Public service media
This report by the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) shows how their members have responded to the pandemic and helped meet the demand for content brought about by the lockdown.
Orchestra musicians
Recommendations by the International Federation of Musicians (FIM) for a safe return to work of orchestra musicians.
Live performance
Pearle* published a Position Paper on the situation of the live performance sector in Europe and outlines what is needed for recovery plans.
The CISAC report shows the impact of COVID-19, the actions of authors societies and the support needed from governments.
IMPF has laid out their plan for medium- and long-term recovery, specifically focused on small- and medium-sized music publishing companies.
GESAC - The European Authors' Societies - highlights some of the different things authors’ societies across Europe are doing and also provide a directory with links by country.
Creatives Unite
Creatives Unite is a platform aiming at gathering in one place initiatives and information related to the cultural and creative sector in the EU in response to COVID-19.
Record labels
IMPALA’s Covid-19 Task Force has published a set of recommendations and a call for action amid the second wave of the pandemic.
European Music Council
On 28 May 2020 members of the EMC shared their preliminary analysis and results of surveys they conducted whithin their membership.
German Music Council
Here you will find links to risk assessments and analyses (in German).
Cultural trends
This article analyses Covid-19 and the exposed precarity in the creative economy.
Cultural and Creative Industries in Germany
This report focuses on how the lockdown measures impact the different CCIs sub-sectors in Germany - available in German and English.
European Cultural Foundation & Culture Action Europe
In this survey specifically the government measures on helping artists in the different countries were observed.
European Festivals Association
COVID-19 has hit all cultural and creative sectors and within the sector festivals particularly.
Impact on museums
As the cultural sector was hit in general, the EMC would also like to feature a report by the Network of European Museum Organisation. The report is based on a survey that followed up on the main topics that emerged in a first report: consequences of losses, digital offers and organisational adaptation.
Covid-19 and European large ensembles
Grands Formats questioned the network’s large ensembles of jazz and improvised music (Think Big!) about the consequences of the Covid-19 on their activities. These data were collected as part of a survey in the summer 2020 and an update was carried out at the beginning of December 2020 in order to have more recent data on key elements.