WDR 5 broadcast on the Creative Europe Programme
August 7, 2013
EMC Secretary General Simone Dudt was featured in a broadcast on the Creative Europe Programme on German Radio WDR 5.
Follow the link for the podcast (in German). The part on Creative Europe starts at 12:00.
EMC Statements featured in the National Music Council of the US Newsletter
Summer 2013
In the summer 2013 newsletter of the National Music Council of the United States, the EMC statement on the current situation in Turkey and the EMC statement on the exclusion of the cultural sector from the EU/US free trade agreement have been published.
Read the newsletter here.
Article on the Bonn Declaration from Kulturstimmen.de
The German Cultural Council (Deutscher Kulturrat) has published an article on the Bonn Declaration on Music Education on its blog Kulturstimmen.de.
Read the article here (in German).
Music News Scotland on the 3rd European Forum on Music
Music News Scotland reported on the 3rd European Forum on Music which took place between April 18 – 21 in Glasgow, Scotland, UK.
Find the magazine here.
The Safar Project on Deutschland Radio Kultur
Musicians from the Safar project, which brought together traditional Afghan musicans as well as German Jazz musicians for an extended tour, gave an interview for Deutschlndradio Kultur. find the transcript of the interview here (in german only).

Older press reviews
03/2009 Musikforum
Wie Europa durch Mozart kreativ und innovativ wird
This article was published in Musikforum, the magazine of the German Music Council in August 2009. How did the EU come to declare 2009 "European Year of Creativity of Innovation"? why is this important for the music and the cultural life in general?
Article by Simone Dudt
1-2/08, Europa Cantat magazine
A European Agenda for Culture - more than rhetoric?
In November 2007 the European ministers of Culture (Culture Council) agreed on a “European Agenda for culture” based on the Communication on a “European Agenda for Culture in a Globalizing World” which was published by the European Commission in May 2007.
09/2007, NMZ
Simone Dudt:
Kultur als die sanfte Macht
Eine europäische Kulturagenda im Zeichen der Globalisierung
First statement on the EU agenda for culture published in the German Music Newspaper. Read Download
Up-dated in spring 2008 and published in the EMC magazine and magazine of Europa Cantat (see above).
03/2007, Schweizer Musikzeitung
Regina Senften:
Heiße Eisen im Feuer des Internationalen und Europäischen Musikrats
The article about current issues and activities of the IMC and EMC was published in the Swiss Music Newspaper and is availabe in German only.
10/2006, NMZ
MIX IT! – für Jugendliche mit Migrationshintergrund
This article in the German Music Newspaper is an announcement of the symposium MixIt! that took place in Bonn in November 2006. The event focused on the topic of social inclusion of young people with migrant backgrounds in the European society.
The English article corresponds to the Press Release.
07/2006, NMZ
Kulturelle Vielfalt in Gefahr
Jahreskonferenz des Europäischen Musikrats in Malmoe
This article about the Annual Conference in Malmoe is available in German only. Download
The English version corresponds to the Press Release of the conference.
Ruth Jakobi:
Musikrat sieht kulturellen Reichtum bedroht
This article, that was published in the German magazine "Musikwoche" in July 2006, outlines the demand of the EMC to the EU commission to give higher priority to the artistic quality and musical diversity than to economic benefit. (German only)
30.04.2006, Music Center Switzerland
Sonja Greiner:
Report about the EMC Annual Conference 2006 in Malmoe
The article was published in the Swiss Music Newspaper and is availabe in German only.
Jan.-Mar. 2006
Ruth Jakobi:
Politik und Kulture: neuer Mut zur Kooperation.
Konferenz "Inclusive Europe – Horizon 2020" stößt Prozess an
Report of the European Conference of Politicians and Professionals engaged in Culture, Budapest, 17.-20. November 2005.
Published in the magazine of the German Music Council "Musikforum" issue 1/2006. (German only)
Neuer Präsident und Vorstand für den Internationalen Musikrat
Article about the new elected Board and President of the International Music Council during the first "World Forum on Music" in Los Angeles in October 2005
Published in the German Music Newspaper "Neue Musik Zeitung" 12/2005 (German only)
11/2005, 'Informationen', German Composers Union
Ruth Jakobi:
Innovation und Tradition: der Europäische Musikrat vertritt das Musikleben in Europa
This article about the general work of the EMC and the EFMET project was published in the magazine of the German Composers Union 'Informationen' issue 70 in November 2005. It is available in German only. Read Download
11/2005, 'Informationen', German Composers Union
Ruth Jakobi:
Innovation und Tradition: der Europäische Musikrat vertritt das Musikleben in Europa
This article about the general work of the EMC and the EFMET project was published in the magazine of the German Composers Union 'Informationen' issue 70 in November 2005. It is available in German only. Read Download
Kultur 2007 zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit
Stellungnahme des Europäischen Musikrats zum geplanten Kulturprogramm der EU, das ab 2007 in Kraft treten soll
This comment on the EU culture programme 2007 by the Europan Music Council was recently published in the NMZ (Neue Musik Zeitung). The article is available in German only. Please read here. Download
Foundation of new association for European Music Council
On March 8th 2003 the Board of the European Music Council (EMC) founded a registered association according to German law with seat in Bonn.
- Newspaper Article Bonner Generalanzeiger (10/03/2003)
- Newspaper Article Bonner Rundschau (11/03/2003)
See also the German Press Release on this topic here
Conference "Music for Europe - the young generation"
The 3-day forum (13-15/09/2002), held at the Centre Borschette conference center of the European Commission, was organised by the EMC and Jeunesse Musicales Europe (JME). The conference's main focus lay on youth participation and youth empowerment within European organisations.
02/2000, NMZ
Musikausbildung ist Investition in Europas Zukunft
nmz-Gespräch mit Marlene Wartenberg, Generalsekretärin des Europäischen Musikrates
In January 2000 Marlene Wartenberg became Secretary General of the EMC. Theo Geißler, auditor of the German music expert newspaper "Neue Musik Zeitung", was asking her questions about the plans, objectives and future activities of the EMC. The interview is available in German only.