Data Collection

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This collection of resources is a non-exhaustive overview of studies and publications on the music sector in Europe and beyond. It will be continously updated aiming to offer a broad overview of existing research on different aspects and parts of the music sector.
By using the filter on the left you can search for specific researches, if no filter is used the publications are listed by date. If you observe that important studies/researches are missing, please contact the EMC at:

Data Collection


Data Collection and Analysis of Environmentally Sustainable Practices & Needs in Higher Music Education Institutions

The ARTEMIS AEC Goes Green WG concluded the findings from the online surveys on green and eco-sustainable practices and needs conducted among the members of the AEC between April and September 2023.

  • European Association of Conservatoires (AEC)
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Artificial Intelligence and International Cultural Relations: Challenges and Opportunities for Cross-Sectoral Collaboration

Artificial intelligence (AI) affects multiple dimensions of international cultural relations. Amidst increasing geopolitical competition and a global search for new AI governance frameworks, international cultural relations affect AI development and vice versa. How does AI impact cultural sectors? How can institutions and actors engaged in international cultural relations ensure ethical and responsible technology use, as well as mitigate imbalances accentuated by AI systems? What does a strategy for work in the field of international cultural relations in the AI era look like?

  • ifa - Forum for International Cultural Relations
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The international mobility of disabled artists and culture professionals

This latest publication from On the Move builds on its Cultural Mobility Webinar focused on the 'International Mobility of Disabled Artists and Culture Professionals.' It extends the insights from two significant studies conducted for the British Council under the EU-funded Europe Beyond Access project: "Time to Act" (2021) and "Time to Act: Two Years On" (2023).

  • On the Move
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Navigating the Path to Fair Practice. A complete overview of the findings of ECSA's survey on fair practice

This document presents a detailed overview of the results of the European Composer and Songwriter Alliance’s (ECSA) survey on fair practice, which was launched in September 2022. Gathering over 200 responses from all across Europe, the survey shed light on the post-pandemic economic, social, and working conditions of European music creators.

  • European Composer and Songwriter Alliance (ECSA)
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The Music Puzzle: Exploring Booking Practices in Europe

This study aims to give an overview of who the bookers from Live DMA are, to investigate their daily tasks, to highlight the main challenges of live music programming, to identify the main partners bookers work with, to allow for more transparency within these operators, and eventually to pave the way for more social and artistic diversity.

  • Live DMA
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AI and music: market development of AI in the music sector and impact on music authors and creators in Germany and France

The French and German societies of authors and composers (SACEM and GEMA) published a study undertaken by Goldmedia on the impact of generative AI on music. The study analyses the market for AI And music, AI in the music creation process, challenges and fields of action. For the study, 15,000 authors and performers in France and Germany responded to a survey.

  • GEMA
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