Staff exchange programme

Please contact the EMC at auclair[at]emc-imc[dot].org if you have any enquiries.

Find the conditions of the programme below:

• all participants shall be staff or board members of the organisation and we encourage younger individuals to apply as the exchange will be mostly a learning experience
• the participants will have to organise their exchange themselves: check availability, possible learning topics (e.g. communication, event management, membership engagement, etc.)
• If you already have a foreseen exchange partner, only one of the participant will have to register

Bursary conditions:
Upon submission of all original invoices, tickets, boarding passes & EMC reimbursement form
• reimbursement of up to 300€ travel costs (round-trip)
• reimbursement of around 300€ accommodation and meal costs (depending on what is available and where the exchange will take place)

Each participants will have to fill in a report and it is recommended to film a video on their experience. Watch previous staff exchange experiences here.

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