For Immediate Release
Press Release
MusicAIRE – An Innovative Recovery for Europe
New EU support for the music ecosystem in Europe started
6 October 2021 |
Inova+ and the European Music Council (EMC) are proud to announce the launch of the project MusicAIRE. The consortium will develop grants to support the music ecosystem to emerge from the COVID-19 crisis in a green, digital and just and resilient way. |
“We are particularly looking forward to entering into a close dialogue with the music sector for this project - because we want to know from people active in music which kind of support fits their needs the best. Therefore, we have developed a questionnaire that will be widely distributed. and we are encouraging anyone who wants to get involved to complete the questionnaire so that we can find out more about their requirements.” Says Simone Dudt, Secretary General of the EMC. |
In-depth interviews conducted with music networks will complete the needs analysis of the European music life. In the follow-up, MusicAire will publish an open call for representatives of music networks to become actively involved in think tanks that will discuss the results of the questionnaire and interviews to give input on how the calls should be shaped. This is especially important in light of one of the main tasks of the project, which is to test and to prepare new EU support schemes for the Creative Europe programme. |
The first calls for projects are expected to be published in January 2022, a second round is planned to be published in Autumn 2022. |
The maximum grant amount will be 55.000 Euro per project, maximum project duration can be 12 months. The grant scheme has an envelope of 2,2 Mio Euros. |
If you want to stay in touch, receive the latest news on the project, the questionnaire, as well as the calls, please subscribe to our newsletter here. |
MusicAIRE is co-funded by the Music Moves Europe Preparatory Action of the European Union. |
Press enquiries should go to: Maria Nolla Colomer European Music Council +49 228 96 69 96 64 nolla@emc-imc.org |
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