Don't miss our latest newsletters
Newsletter 08.07.2024: EMC Summer News
Newsletter 23.05.2024: EFM2024: Musical Programme
Newsletter 23.05.2024: A look back at MusicAIRE: final publications out now!
Newsletter 20.05.2024: EFM2024: Panel discussion: Equity in music streaming
Newsletter 16.05.2024: EFM2024: Panel discussion: Equity in Music - Geographical perspectives
Newsletter 10.05.2024: EFM2024: Golnar Shahyar announced as keynote speaker
Newsletter 27.03.2024: EMC Spring News...
Newsletter 21.03.2024: Register for the EFM 2024!
Newsletter 18.12.2023: EMC Winter News...
Newsletter 06.11.2023: EMC Autumn News...
Newsletter 05.09.2023: EMC Post Summer News...
Newsletter 28.06.2023: EMC Summer News...
Newsletter 11.06.2023: New EMC board elected...
Newsletter 03.05.2023: European Forum on Music Programme Announcement...
→ Newsletter 31.03.2023: The EMC Spring news with updates on recent EMC activities, EU cultural policy, funding opportunities and more...
→ Newsletter 13.02.2023: European Forum on Music 2023
→ Newsletter 07.02.2023: The results of the 2nd MusicAIRE call for projects were published!
→ Newsletter 21.12.2022: The EMC Winter news with updates on recent EMC activities, EU cultural policy, funding opportunities and more...
→ Newsletter 30.11.2022: Learn more about EMC's involvement at the Cyprus Culture Summit from 8-11 December 2022 in Limassol, Cyprus.
→ Newsletter 18.11.2022: Check out the newest episode of the EMC podcast "Music webs" with Audrey Guerre from Live DMA talking about the situation of live music in Europe.
→ Newsletter 11.11.2022: The EMC Autumn news with updates on EMC activities including the SWAP programme and upcoming events, EU cultural policy, funding opportunities and more.
→ Newsletter 22.09.2022: The EMC Post Summer news with updates on EU cultural policy, funding opportunities and what's been happening at the EMC over the summer.
→ Newsletter 15.09.2022: The second MusicAIRE call for proposals is out! MusicAIRE offers grants for music projects focusing on the green, digital or just and resilient recovery of the music sector.
→ Newsletter 24.06.2022: The EMC Summer news with updates on EU cultural policy, funding opportunities and what's been happening at the EMC this month.
→ Newsletter 21.06.2022: The results of the first MusicAIRE call were published!
→ Newsletter 09.05.2022: The EMC Newsletter on Europe Day 2022.
→ Newsletter 26.04.2022: The new EMC Fellowship call 2022-2023 has been published.
→ Newsletter 18.03.2022: The deadlines for the MusicAIRE call for proposals and call for jury have been extended to 25 April.
→ Newsletter 18.03.2022: MusicAIRE call for jury. The MusicAIRE project consortium is seeking to select a balanced and diverse group of experts to evaluate project applications handed in under the call that is currently open.
→ Newsletter 03.03.2022: Statement on Music Freedom Day: The EMC stands in solidarity with the people of Ukraine and the music sector in all its diversity.
→ Newsletter 23.02.2022: Join the MusicAIRE info session on 9 March! MusicAIRE offers grants for the green, digital and just & resilient recovery of the music sector.
→ Newsletter 15.02.2022: The MusicAIRE call for proposal is out! MusicAIRE offers grants for the green, digital and just & resilient recovery of the music sector.
→ Newsletter 02.02.2022: Discover all the SHIFT results on Cultural Leadership, Environmental Sustainability, Gender and Power Relations and Inclusion.
→ Newsletter 22.12.2021: In this newsletter we have put together updates on EU cultural policy, funding opportunities and news from the EMC.
→ Newsletter 26.11.2021: Due to the critical sanitary situation related to COVID-19 in Brussels, the event had to be turned into an online event instead of an in-person gathering in Brussels. Register now!
→ Newsletter 25.11.2021: Listen now to our latest podcast!
Should you encounter any problems to subscribe please contact us at info[at]emc-imc[dot]org!
Knowledge is Power
Make sure to be updated on the latest news. The EMC will provide you only with the most relevant informations concerning EU policies or the latest updates on vocational training available.
EMC News
Never miss a workshop or a deadline to a conference. We will make sure you stay updated may it be on the EMC fellowship programme, the European Agenda for Music or other EMC activities!
EU policies
The EMC is in close contact with stakeholders from the European Commission, the European Parliament and of course important other networks lobbying for culture.
SHIFT - Shared initiatives for training
Make sure not to miss out on vocational training possibilities! Never miss a deadline for registration, always stay updated on new published tutorials, handbooks or events!
For further information on the SHIFT project, made possible by ERASMUS+, please click here.