National Music Council
Austrian Music Council - ÖMR

Main work of the Austrian Music Council:
-Advocacy group for music in Austria
-Coordinating people who work in and with music
-Broadening and promoting the diversity of music from Austria
The Austrian Music Council is a member of the International Music Council that is associated to UNESCO and aims, as the voice of the world's music, to be the umbrella organisation of NGOs concerned with music.
Aims and Activities:
-To coordinate and represent the interests and demands of organisations and associations actively involved in music in Austria
-To promote the learning, teaching, practice and business of music
-To lobby for rights, copyright, music productions and live events/performances originating in Austria and to promote those engaged in creative work in Austria in every musical genre
-To present the music currently being created in Austria
-To issue statements, provide and prepare material and initiate dialogue on current topics in the fields of music education, the music business and cultural policy relating to music
-To organise and attend conferences, seminars, symposia and workshops that deal with subjects such as copyright, music education, music management, music business, cultural policy etc.
-To promote Austria as a business location with respect to added value through music and more extensive export activities
-To cooperate with organisations from the fields of culture and business to carry out joint projects relevant to music and dealing with cultural policy issues
-To involve prominent figures from the fields of politics, media and business in activities that promote the music business, music education and the practice of music
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