European Music Organisation
European Union of Music Competitions for Youth - EMCY

EMCY is the European Union of Music Competitions for Youth: a network of music competitions for young people across Europe.
Founded in Brussels in 1970 to develop and co-ordinate a system of quality music competitions to stimulate the talents of young musicians, we now cover nearly thirty countries across the continent. We keep our members connected, helping them share educational, organisational, practical and musical know-how, and represent and promote music competitions as a stimulating, educational and social way of making music.
For EMCY, competition success is part of a gradual learning process, and we organise a host of concerts and tours for our prize winners every year. Projects we oversee include the EuroRadio Youth Concert: a high-profile concert in a different European city every year, in which some of our most promising prize winners are accompanied by orchestra and aired around Europe by the European Broadcasting Union; chamber music concerts across the continent; and the EMCY Prize: a special award presented to a particularly promising participant at all our competitions.
As a non-profit organisation registered under German Law, EMCY receives funding from the European Commission. We’re run by an international board elected every four years at our General Assemblies, with our office based in Munich (Germany).
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