A culturally diverse and rich Europe is an open Europe
The European Music Council (EMC) is Europe's most significant cultural network for music. Affiliated to the International Music Council (IMC) it is a platform for National Music Councils and organisations involved in various fields and genres of music from many European countries; our 73 members currently represent 29 European countries. The Board of the EMC met in Budapest during WOMEX - the World Music Expo.
In Europe, we are now learning to cope with mass migration, the likes of which we have not seen since WW2. Displaced migrants are attempting to reach the perceived safety of western Europe in their thousands, questioning social and cultural values alongside economic identities. Budapest is a city at the heart of Eastern Europe with such a rich cultural tradition and heritage, yet the Hungarian government has found it difficult to deal with the movement of so many people from east to west and has now closed its borders to inhibit any further mass movement.
As a European network for music, the EMC acknowledges that Europe's cultural identity is founded on its rich and diverse cultural heritage. The musical traditions of Europe are a result of centuries of cross-fertilisation resulting from global immigration to and from Europe. In maintaining access for cultural traditions from all parts of the world, Europe will remain vibrant, sustainable and look to the future with confidence. A culturally diverse, creative and aesthetically rich Europe is one that is open to all cultural influences, from wherever they may emanate.
The European Music Council calls upon the political leaders of the European Union to embrace a culturally united Europe as an open concept where solidarity and humanity are the guiding principles rather than foreclosure and exclusion.
The European Music Council contributes to a better understanding among people, often expressed in their different cultures and to their right to coexist, especially through the inclusive language of music. The EMC acknowledges the significant role that music and culture play for the political and societal development of a peaceful and integrative Europe. Therefore, it advocates on local, national and European levels for an appropriate framework for music, music professionals and access to music. The EMC provides exceptional value to its membership by building knowledge, creating networking opportunities, and supporting and enhancing the visibility of initiatives that help sustain people's participation in music and cultural life.
European Music Council - EMC
Haus der Kultur
Weberstraße 59a
53113 Bonn
Tel +49 228 966996-64