European Music Organisation
European String Teachers Association - ESTA

ESTA (European String Teachers Association) is a non-governmental organisation enjoying consultative status with the Council of Europe. In 1972 a small group of eminent string teachers (Marianne Kroemer, Max Rostal and Yehudi Menuhin), founded ESTA to promote the highest standards in teaching and to enable the sharing of ideas among string teachers and players of all distinctions throughout Europe. ESTA is an umbrella organisation of over 32 national branches involving more than 5000 individual teachers of violin, viola, cello and double bass.
The core aims of ESTA are:
- To promote the highest artistic and pedagogic standards in string teaching.
- To promote lifelong learning of string instruments.
- To encourage study and research into all phases of string teaching.
- To provide a forum for the discussion and dissemination of ideas through conferences, workshops, printed material.
- To promote collaboration among its members and with other organisations.
Activities supporting these aims take place regularly throughout the year at workshops and conferences in the national branches. Additionally there is an International Conference held annually in a different European Country.
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