National/Specialised Music Organisation
Federació Catalana De Societats Musicals - FCSM

The Catalan Federation of Musical Societies "FCSM" was constituted on June 20, 1981, in San Carlos de la Rápita (Montsià) and was legalized on January 22, 1982.
The project establishes the provision of various tools to enhance, carry out and give voice to the Musical Entities within the cultural associationism and within the society. In a transversal and integrating way these tools promote the participation of the entities in the different manifestations of the associations. Thus, the project is structured around three main axes:
-Guarantee a regular, proportional and quality presence in the media of the activities carried out by the members of the Federation,
-Generate spaces for reflection and debate about the associations and their own Musical Entities,
-Strengthen and increase the network among the various Musical Entities
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