National/Specialised Music Organisation
Federació Catalana d'Entitats Corals - FCEC

The FCEC: Catalan Federation of Choral Entities, is an autonomous entity, with legal personality. It has been created to improve and coordinate the choral activities, collective actions of the federated entities. As complementary aim it has also been created to give advice and guidance to these groups and to promote new choirs. The FCEC was founded in Manresa, the 5th june 1982, by the agreement of the choirs which were grouped to the Secretariat dels Orfeons de Catalunya (1959 - 1982). They succeeded the Germanor dels Orfeons de Catalunya (1918-1939). The FCEC has also got a juridical personality as member, like a national movement, of the European Federation of Young Choirs (EUROPA CANTAT) and of the International Federation for Choral Music (IFCM). More than 450 choirs are now members of the FCEC.
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