About the Project

Young people involved in music in Europe today have much to offer the sector, yet their voice is often not heard! The project seeked to give young people the know-how and confidence to make a stand for their needs and rights, whilst at the same time help the ‘older generation’ recognise the benefits of including young people in all aspects of an organisation’s operation.
The central aim of Make Music! Be Heard! was to strengthen youth participation in European music networks. This was be achieved with the following strategies:
- Capacity building of youth within the partners' networks
- Knowledge building of managerial staff of music organisations on youth issues
- Dissemination of information on youth participation as well as current opportunities for youth.
- Putting the manifesto for youth and music into practice
- Engage young people in policy work realting to youth and music by bringing them into contact with political decision makers at local, regional, national and European level.
This 18-month project built upon the success of the Youth in Action funded Access! project, in which young people from across Europe came together to create the Manifesto for Youth and Music in Europe. Make Music! Be Heard! concentrated on the wide dissemination of this document whilst providing young people with a platform to develop their skills and engage in dialogue with decision makers at various levels.
The project involved 80 young people from across Europe and the project activities included meetings between young people and policy makers, work placements for youth in music organisations across Europe, as well as the high-profile Youth Day in the frame of the European Forum on Music in Glasgow, where young people came together to learn, network and socialise. The tangible outcome of the project was the Youth Guide to the European Music Sector.
Work Placement Scheme
In the frame of the project, 7 young people from across Europe were given the opportunity to undertake a week long work experience placement with one of the MM!BH! project partners.
The central aim of Make Music! Be Heard! was to strengthen youth participation in European music networks. Find here an overview of the activities carried out in the frame of the project.
Although the European Music Council led the project, a total of 8 european and international organisations were participating in 'Make Music! Be Heard!'. Find out who they were.

Read the press release about the launch of 'Make Music! Be Heard!' (15 February 2013) here.

The Make Music! Be Heard! project was supported by the EU Youth in Action programme