Statements on the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027
During the negotiations on the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027, the EMC issued a number of statements - often jointly with other organisations from the cultural sector - calling for an increase of the EU budget for culture as part of Creative Europe and across other funding instruments.
Joint letter: InvestEU
Issued October 2020
In this joint letter to the European Commission, 26 organisations from the cultural and creative sector urge the EU to ensure cultural and creative industries will benefit from appropriate level of support in the future InvestEU programme.
Artists' statement: A call to invest in all our creative futures
Issued July 2020
45 European artists from various disciplines, among them the musicians Björk, Jean-Michel Jarre, Benny Andersson and performance artist Marina Abramovic, have signed a new manifesto to demand budget support for culture.
Mit der deutschen EU-Ratspräsidentschaft die Kultur stärken
Issued June 2020
Gemeinsamer Appell des Deutschen und des Europäischen Musikrates zum Start der deutschen Ratspräsidentschaft am 1. Juli 2020.
Investing in Europe's next generation by investing in culture
Issued June 2020
This letter signed by 99 organisations from the cultural and creative sector calls for strong and systemic support measures at EU and national level to recover from the crisis.
Uphold culture in the EU budget
Issued June 2020
Despite its historic relevance, the revised Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) proposal presented by the European Commission on 27 May is unambitious for culture. The EMC supports this call published by Culture Action Europe for a central place for culture in the EU long-term recovery budget and MFF.
Time to put words into action
Issued May 2020
Time to put words into action! 78 organisations across Europe’s cultural and creative sectors call for ambitious EU budgetary measures to get through the COVID-19 crisis.
Joint letter: Effect of COVID-19 on Creative Europe
Issued March 2020
This joint letter to Commissioner Mariya Gabriel and the Directorate-General for Education and Culture (DG EAC) lists proposals by networks, platforms and other organisations funded by Creative Europe how to cope with the consequences of COVID-19 on Creative Europe and the European cultural and creative sector.
Joint letter in support of a sectorial focus on music in Creative Europe (2021-2027)
Issued November 2019
Ahead of the EU Council discussion on the future Creative Europe programme, the EMC joins forces with other music organisations calling for a reinforces focus on music in the sectorial actions.
CAE letter on Multiannual Financial Framework
This letter was prepared by Culture Action Europe and can be send to ministries on national level and other relevant institutions to support the call for the doubling of the budget for culture and at least 1% committment to culture across the MFF. For translations into other languages please go to the CAE website.
Joint letter in support of a sectorial focus on music in Creative Europe (2021-2027)
Issued November 2019
Ahead of the EU Council discussion on the future Creative Europe programme, the EMC joins forces with other music organisations calling for a reinforces focus on music in the sectorial actions.
Creative Europe 2021-2027: Investing in our culture is investing in our future
Issued November 2019 (updated December 2019)
The EMC supports this open letter by 90 organisations from the cultural and creative sector. It calls on the EU council to support the proposal of the European Parliament to increase the budget of Creative Europe to 2.8bn Euro.
Securing a sustainable future for the European non-profit sector
Issued October 2019
As a member of Culture Action Europe, the EMC supports this statement about the future of the European non-profit sector and their participation in Creative Europe and other EU funding programmes.
Cultural & Creative Sectors' call to boost Creative Europe
Issued November 2018
Joint call from 80 organisations to boost the Creative Europe Programme ahead of the vote of the Budget Committee of the European Parliament on the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) 2021 - 2027 on 5 November 2018.
Joint Statement on EU Cohesion Policy
Issued September 2018
In their Position Paper from 17 September 2018 the European Alliance for Culture and the Arts states that the EU Cohesion Policy must adopt a citizen-oriented approach with a prominent place for culture.
Joint Statement on EU Funding Programmes
Issued June 2018
In their Position Paper from 18 June 2018 the European Alliance for Culture and the Arts states that culture, arts and heritage must be included in and financially supported within major EU funding programmes.
Joint statement on the EU culture budget
Issued April 2018
The signatories of this letter, drafted on an initiative of Impala, want to remind the representatives of the European Commission, European Council and the European Parliament the place of culture in the EU budget ahead of the presentation by the European Commission of its draft Regulation for the post-2020 MFF in May 2018.
Joint Statement on Music Moves Europe
Issued March 2018
Seizing the momentum, the EMC joined IMPALA and a broad range of organisations in this letter directed to all institutions urging the EU to support a dedicated European Music Programme.
Post-2020 Multiannual Financial Framework: Call for a Substantial and Meaningful Support for Culture and the Arts as Generators of an EU Added Value
Issued January 2018
Having followed the Commission’s high-level conference on the future MFF-framework on 8-9 January 2018 as well as discussions in the European Parliament, the European Alliance for Culture and the Arts calls on the European institutions and Members States to ensure substantial support for culture, the arts and heritage within the post-2020 Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF).